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Tomato is a fruit!

So what’s the most pointless thing you’ve done this week? I’ve made a game to settle the score once and for all. And maybe, in the end, it’s not so pointless after all, though, if you do feel I could’ve spent my time doing something more worthwhile I’ll admit to that 🙂

The game is available at Try it out!

It was a very good experience in trying out Ruby on Rails. And a few comments on this:

I used Heroku for deploying this app and this was actually a breeze, a really, really good service, auto pushing code from github and all. Only thing, it’s running on Ruby 2.0 and Rails 4.1.0 which caused me a fair level of grief. Also, my page didn’t use a database, for which Rails is optimized to have which also forced me to do some additional fixes.

But, if you start off in the right end, I’d really recommend trying this out because if you do it right, from start, you’ll have a quick and easy web page up and running in no time.

Remember to: 1. Install ruby 2.0 2. Install ruby devkit (at least on windows, since it’s needed for Json) 3. Install rails v 4.1.0

That’s about it. Now go battle out that age old dispute of fruit vs vegetables!


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